I went out last week to shop. I bought a bag that caught my gaze the last time I went to the mall. It’s 50 % off so I didn’t let the chance to pass. After that, I did a window shopping since I don’t have enough budget for another purchase. If I had, then I would shop until I dropped.lol! Anyway, who doesn’t love shopping? Though we have an economic recession, people still shop. Economic crisis does not stop them from doing so. Especially, now that online shopping is within our reach. It’s popular today. Many shoppers find comfort and convenience on online shopping. Through our computer and internet connection, we will be updated with the latest stuff for our future shopping spree.
Online shopping is not just limited on product for home and us. Car aficionados can also shop online for car accessories. This will improve the appearance of their car. There are really people who spend money to revamp the exterior and interior look of their car. Just like what my boyfriend did when he had his car repainted from grey to red. His car looks stunning now. I already put some accessories in his car like throw pillows at the back seat and small stuff toys in front. However, I will recommend him to replace his car seat to leather car seat and buy new set of seat cover. This is beneficial for both of us. He can drive and I can ride comfortably. For now, we won’t be need a convertible car seats because we don’t have our own family yet. Perhaps, our neighbor will need this for his baby safety when riding their car.
Maintenance and accessorizing our car is really expensive yet it is necessary. Someone once said that our car is one of the biggest purchases we make so taking good care of it is a must.

I love looking at online shops, but I've never bought anything online. I don't know. Nothing beats going to the mall, walking around, finding that perfect thingymajiggy, ending up getting a bad case of foot sore. Hahaha! :D
Hahaha.You're right!After everything whether you were able to buy something or not, you'll surely experience soreness on your feet. I haven't bought anything online too. Maybe in the future.hehe.
Thank you for the visit!
I always like online shopping no hassle at all. Thanks for the visit...Just got back from farm...
I love shopping can't get enough of it
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