When you are a newbie to any field there are help presented to you. People understand that you are doing it for the first time so they are considerate. They offer to lend a hand to you. My sister is looking for a job. It’s her first time so she asked for help. She inquired what would be the possible question she will encounter during the interview. Then I text her the probable question. Through this she can formulate her answer ahead, which she did. She forwarded her answer for me to check if it’s relevant to the question given and it is. Though I’m aware that she will be asked with a different question yet it’s certain that the thought are the same. Anyway, at least she prepared for it. I got the question from the internet. Truly, the web has vast collection of information that we need. There is an available site to help us out. May it be from interview or to casino. Yes, we can get casino tutorials in the internet. Whether you paid for your games or it is just a free casino games. It’s necessary that we must choose only the information suited to what we are looking for.

Good Luck to your sister!
Most interview questions are the same everywhere. Keep in mind there's usually a 'trick' question towards the end :)
I'm sure she'll do fine!
Thank you duni. I really wish that she'll get the job. She needs it.
I sure hope I can win but I am lousy in win
Good luck with your sister's interview. and you are right, the internet is packed with all sorts of information. it is important to screen them properly and use the one that is most suited to what you are looking for. =)
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