I got annoyed with him yesterday afternoon over a petty issue. He was teasing me. Because of that, I wasn’t able to use the computer that afternoon until evening. This was the reason why I haven’t returned the drop and visit here in my simple abode by my fellow blogger. He’s been there all the time playing emu without even asking if I want to use it which he normally do. The reason for this is he was disgusted with my attitude. Hehe. He said I am very sensitive (balat-sibuyas) which is true. At least he’s aware now that I’m like that. I sulk like a child.
Though he already apologize at that moment yet I didn’t accepted it immediately. In short nag inarte muna ako. (guys translate it for me)hehe. We still don’t talk this morning and afternoon. I did not touch the computer though he wasn’t using it. Wondering why I was able to post one this morning?hehe. Okay, I went out to send allowance to my sister which is in Cebu and then I stop at the nearest computer shop. I rented for one hour.hehe. I just can’t drop because of the slow internet connection. Sorry everyone. We just got back in good terms right after eating dinner here in computer shop. He said I should now use the computer and do my click and drop stuff.lol!
Though he already apologize at that moment yet I didn’t accepted it immediately. In short nag inarte muna ako. (guys translate it for me)hehe. We still don’t talk this morning and afternoon. I did not touch the computer though he wasn’t using it. Wondering why I was able to post one this morning?hehe. Okay, I went out to send allowance to my sister which is in Cebu and then I stop at the nearest computer shop. I rented for one hour.hehe. I just can’t drop because of the slow internet connection. Sorry everyone. We just got back in good terms right after eating dinner here in computer shop. He said I should now use the computer and do my click and drop stuff.lol!

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