I always come across with this web 2.0. I decided to search what it is for my own benefit because most of them know what it is. Wikipedia has been a great help. Hehe. Web 2.0 is related with the design and development happening on the web. Web 2.0 made sharing of information easy and interactively. This is what SmallRivers want to emphasize to us. By the way, They are not just a social networking site but more of a content networking site. Smallrivers, a Bloggers tool to network content and readers . Hit connect and be connected.

Hey there !
Just dropping by, since you were kind enough to advertise for us, and one of our first users :) we put in the search engine a few days ago so you can maybe find rivers that are more at your liking !
Thanks for the support ! (Also I saw you're playing Aion ! Probably going to launch a pc gaming river soon to do some reviews about such games :p)
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