They are already five! Yihee! Livia a new friend and blog follower.Thank you so much for following my site. More power to your lovely sites.
Everyone kindly take time to visit her sites.
31 January, 2009
A New Found Friend
29 January, 2009
Something to Ponder
Why was Snow White given an apple with poison?
--- to show that not all people that are kind to you are really kind. They might have some other agenda against you. Looks can be deceiving!
Why did Cinderella run away when the clock turned 12mn?
--- to remind us that every thing has its limitations, even dreams!
Why did Arielle decide to exchange her fins with feet?
--- to show that anyone will try to lose anything just to be happy...
I cook pop corn here in computer shop for our snacks but it has no flavor, just a plain one.So last Sunday while we were in the supermarket I saw a cheese and opted to get one.Just this afternoon I cooked a pop corn after boiling a water for our coffee.Pop corn and coffee was supposed to be our snacks.Unfortunately, I didn't finished cooking because our small tank ran out of LPG.So, hon immediately called the store for LPG delivery but sad to say they don't have stocks.The suppose to be pop corn didn't pop so it remains to be just a corn.LOL! Bad trip! They said there's no shortage but how come we can't buy one.Maybe they're right,there's really no shortage just hoarding.They are taking advantage of the economic crisis.Bad!Bad!Hope the Department of Energy takes necessary action on this problem immediately.

Sleepy Kitty
One fine day,when I was busy and Ming was so sleepy.She (I think she is a girl)LOL! doesn't want to go home.She saw the doormat spread above the small box containing coins and some bills.She has found comfort in the area surrounded with money.LOL! So she fall asleep. Good thing I was able to captured this.I saw it when I had to get a changed for the customer's money.I was really surprised! What I did is move slowly,enough not to create noise so that she will not be disturb from her deep sleep.Ming loves it here because we always feed her.
28 January, 2009
Nikki Gil
Phew! I saw Nikki Gil on t.v while watching the afternoon soap in abs-cbn which is PIETA. She portrayed the role of secretary. A witness of the crime involving her boss. Her boss was murdered by Miguel(John Regala's character). I can say that she's also good in acting. This girl is very talented. She can act, dance, host and has a beautiful voice. She is also intelligent. A simple and humble woman.
When I Met You
KC Concepcion and Richard Gutierrez Valentine's movie under GMA Films.She sang her version of When I Met You, just like in her first movie For The First Time under Star Cinema. Judge if she was able to give justice to this song which I think was originally done by Apo Hiking Society.This song is really meaningful.One of my favorite.I hope I can watch this movie on February.
There I was an empty piece of shell
I smile in my own world without even knowing
What love and life was all about
Then you came, you brought me out of the shell
You gave the world to me and before I knew
There I was so in love with you
You gave me a reason for my being
And I love what I’m feeling
You gave new meaning to my life
Yes, I’ve gone beyond existing
And it all began
When I met you…
I love the touch of your hand
When i look in your eyes i just want
I know I’m on to something good
And I’m sure my love for you will endure
Your love will light up my world
And take all my fears
You taught me how to love
You showed me how tomorrow and today
My love is different from the yesterday i knew
You taught me how to love
And darling I will always cherish you
Today, tomorrow and forever
And I’m sure when evening comes around
I know we’d be making love like never before
My love who could ask for more
[repeat chorus]
24 January, 2009
A Celebration Contest
I found this contest while blog hopping.I've decided to try my luck again here in this contest.Hurray!
To celebrate our CSS Design Gallery site launch we are holding this giveaway, where you can win cash prize, free business cards and some advertising spaces. As this is the first contest here at CSS Dynamite, we made it real simple and sweet to enter. You can checkout the prizes below.
Awesome Prizes! Here they are:
1st Prize:
$100 CASH from CSS Design Gallery
2nd prize:
500 business cards(including Free Shipping) from BIZ Business cards
3rd Prize:
2000 Entrecard Credits and 468×60 Banner for a month at The Nexus - Feed Your Brain
4th Prize:
125×125 banner ad for a month at Laptops & Notebooks Reviews
125×125 banner ad for a month at Premium Wordpress Themes
Check out their site for complete information on how to gain more points. Click here
My Blog Follower
I logged in to my account and saw another blogger that chose to follow my blog.He is now my new blogger friend and follower.His name is Hendrawan Armanto, a software developer.Thank you so much. He has three blogs. Kindly take time to visit his three sites..Thanks much!
22 January, 2009
Gift From God
It's a new chance to do better
and try again where we failed before.
One day, the villagers decided to pray for rain.
On the day of prayer everyone gathered
& only one boy came with an umbrella. That's Faith.
When you throw a 1 year old baby in the air,
he laughs because he knows you will catch him. That's Trust.
Every night we go to bed, we're not sure that we'll get up tomorrow.
But we still have many plans for the coming day. That's Hope...
Have faith, trust in God, & be full of hope.
Strange thing is I had three cups of coffee today! I am very sleepy.Even though I want to limit my coffee intake just one cup a day but this time I can't. I need to drink an additional two to keep me going cause I still have lot's of things to do.
20 January, 2009
Jericho Rosales
I missed Betty La Fea yesterday because I was in the computer the whole time.Also I'm into electricity saving mode.When I turned on the television it was already Tayong Dalawa. I forgot that Dyosa already ended so Betty La Fea would be shown earlier. I was so eager to watch because of Betty's transformation, from ugly Betty to bettyful! Only to find out that its not happening yet. She drowned during the yatch party, so plastic surgery was interfered. I was surprise to see Jericho Rosales hence the title.hehe. He is the newest addition to the show. He was the savior of betty. Love triangle is going to happen. Watch out! Karylle is also there. Echo's love interest.
Since I started joining Entrecard a free blogging network. The highest dropped I've made so far was only 60 unlike others who drops an average of 300 a day.As much as I want to drop an average of 300 per day most of the time, my time doesn't permits me to do so.There are still other things that consumes my time. I'm trying to do little bit of everything since I had other important things to attend to.Computer shop and its extension, a variety store makes me busy.I'm also playing the games in my DS Lite.Usually I get busy with animal crossing, a simulation game.Its a great game anyway.And many other beneficial stuff.I'm not a full time blogger but I'm on my way to it. I can't stay up until midnight or dawn because I don't own a laptop nor a desktop.huhu.I'm broke.I'm just using the desktop here in shop.
So much of the introduction.hehehe. Anyway, this day was different It's because I was able to drop 162 entrecards. Imagine! I achieved my goal today and even surpassed it. I made a promise earlier that I'm going to drop 100 entrecard. What I've got is 162.Congratulation to me.I just hope that they would also do the same. By the way thanks to those who drop entrecards to me today...
17 January, 2009
My Follower
New blogger friend and new follower.Thank you so much Karen Sloan of Wall Flower Studio for following me. I appreciate it so much. More success to your blog...
16 January, 2009
I won for the third time of joining contest here in blogosphere. Yehey!
I grabbed the 5th prize at On her holiday blow-out giveaway.
Congratulation to the success of your contest.More power to your site. God bless...
Congratulations too, to the other 9 lucky winners!
Thank you so much pinayads for hosting the contest.Thank you also to the sponsors.
- $5 cash payable through paypal from Sweetytots
- 125 x 125 ad space for 1 month from Hit-or-Miss
- 125 x 125 ad space for 1 month from Pinay Mommy Online
- 125 x 125 ad space for 1 month from BlogRiffic
- 1 month ad space from Sherry Contest
- 125 x 125 ad space for 2 weeks from
- 1000 EC from Crimson Heavens
- 750 EC from Everything Under the Sun
There are those people who doesn't like me.
People who criticize how I run my life.
People who just say things that hurt me.
People who do things to give me pain.
People who will never understand my principles in life.
People who keeps on trying to put me down and tell bad things behind my back.
But through it all, I struggle to prove them myself....
that I do not exist to please them.
Don't grow old filled with regrets...
for things not done..
for words not said..
for love not shown..
life is too short..
do what makes you happy..
Page Rank
Dropping my entrecard I found this site and saw a post about his page rank. Within the post there is a PR checker so I tried checking my site. I was shocked with the result. It says I have a page rank of 2. I just can't believe it so I looked for other PR checker tool and the results are the same. Is it true? A question that occurred in my mind? I don't know if its real but I want to believe its true. Though page rank is not that important to me but I was happy to have a rank like this. I have started this blog without knowing the PR and its importance. I have come across to other blog that has a PR ranging from 1-3 etc.,. They are pretty much happy with it. I guess it has something to do with the opportunity to make something useful here in blogosphere. By the way if anyone happens to check my PR and its not 2 after all . Please inform me. I will appreciate it. Thanks much!
15 January, 2009
Fabulous Love Award
People here in the blogosphere are spreading love.I was lucky to received this.I saw this award before while blog hopping.Wishful thinking who's gonna hand me this award.Yesterday, my wish come true, Duni of Lovely Purses shared this award to me. Thank you so much...
Please take time to visit her site because she creates handmade product that is fabulous and lovely.

13 January, 2009
Monday Post
A busy Monday for me.My nephew was still with me until lunch time.I texted my father to fetch him because I was alone.There are numerous customers coming so I can't attend to his needs and questions regarding the games he was playing.Though he's smart enough to follow my instruction, there is still some few query from him.Bunch of customer is good for the business so I don't whine at all.Especially now that the vacant place next to us would be a computer shop.Indeed, we need to work hard.Improve our services and the way we handle customers.
Photo printing and editing made me busy the whole day.This is what I do now instead of nursing care plan and other nursing thing.hehehe.A hasten work for me because the student was rush by their teacher to print out pictures to be posted on their bulletin.I did it hastily yet with quality.
10 January, 2009
Met Again
I was surprise to see the pastor after a year.He used to come in our shop every Sunday to have their church song photocopied.What reminds me of him is his very careful attention to how the document looks.He wants things to be perfect or near to perfect, even though the original document is not.He always instruct me to make it better than the original.He wants the margin to be in equal sizes.So from time to time I consult him if its already okay for him.But of course I let him pay the damage, those papers that he didn't like.Hehehe.The customer wants the best and so we give our best.
Honestly, most of the time I'm not annoyed because he always do it in a nice way.Maybe because he is a pastor?I don't think so.Maybe he really has a good attitude.By the way everything that happened a while ago ran smoothly even though I'm alone.I was able to work efficiently.Photocopying thing is perfect!
07 January, 2009
Lovely Award for me
A January 2009 Award.First for the first month of the year 2009.It came from the sweet and nice person I've known here in blogger world.She always visit me and always leave a sweet comments that my heart appreciate.Her name is Duni of Lovely Purses. Thank you so much...
The word behind this award...
The authors say that blogs who receive this award are exceedingly charming. This blog invests in the PROXIMITY in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that even more friendships are propagated.
*(note to authors, original text shortened and edited by this blog owner for clarity)
It's my turn now to hand this award to my blogger friends.....
1. entrepgirl of
2. earth of
4. mauie of
5. sabine of
6. marie of
06 January, 2009
Often times I encountered people with exceptional attitude here in computer shop. I just want call it that way just for a change.What I mean of exceptional here is their arrogant attitude.Mr and Ms know it all, as if you I know nothing compared to them.I know I can't tell them to treat me nicely the way I do.They are entitled to their behavior.I'm just sensitive and emotional that's why I easily notice when something is not right.The tone of the voice is one way of telling that their acting unusual.I just don't want to be treated unfairly especially when I didn't do anything bad to them.In case I did something wrong or something that is different from what they want, they can always tell it directly to my face in a proper way.They don't have to rise their voice as if I'm an idiot.But then again I can't change them If they have been like this for ages.
I've learned something from encountering these kind of people.First is understanding them, maybe they had a bad day or they are not happy anymore with how their life is going.Second is not to pay attention to their tone of voice and stuff but pay attention to the details that they are trying to correct.It's just sometimes people use the defense mechanism displacement.Anyway, at the end of day surely they will realize their action.The important thing is I remain humble.The behavior that they have showed reflect on what kind of person they are.Anger because something went wrong will not solve the misunderstanding it will just aggravate it.