29 July, 2010

I thought my friend is just making a joke by telling me that they will watch a horse race and then they’ll bet. I asked her if she’s sure about it and she said yes without batting an eyelash. Lol! I just find it bizarre. I can’t believe they are into this game. Anyway they were not able to come there yesterday night because it is already late instead they went to a café and had a heart to heart conversation with our chief nurse. But today they are going to pursue their plan and really determine to put a bet. They are feeling lucky and so they want to try their luck. Lol! By the way I have told her if in case they would not make it today they could just play online casinos instead. It is fun and exciting plus the fact that they can just do it at the comfort of their home or wherever they want provided they have a laptop and an internet connection.


23 July, 2010

And...here we go!

1. I feel better now.

2. _____ to catch up.

3. Do I have to be hypocrite to please you Linta?

4. I am completely unique.

5. It's hard to know how much he love her wife.

6. The model follows suit.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a memorable bonding with my officemates, tomorrow my plans include cleaning the shop and Sunday, I want to have some reflection on life!


I have to plan and write it down so that it won’t go astray. I have lots of things to do and it needs to be accomplished as soon possible. Things like cleaning and organizing my files at the office. Philhealth forms and written endorsement for nurses should be done just to lessen my workload. Be updated with my Philhealth claims to avoid cramming when its submission time. Be able to go home on time. No more unpaid overtime.

With regard to my blog, I want to write regularly. Tackle everything that was on my navigation bar. It should be a post that is more informative. I would like to visits blogs frequently and leave comments.

Last but not the least is my life and career. I want to face now my nursing profession. I just don’t know how but I must to find a way. For the meantime the focus of my attention this day should be my upcoming wedding. I want to have simple yet elegant wedding celebration.


21 July, 2010

It’s really hard to be in a situation where your honesty is being questioned especially with regard to finances. It’s hard to regain the trust that has been broken. I don’t know why this issue hit my friend. Is this because of the things she has that people speculate to be expensive and that her salary is not enough for such stuff? I can’t understand the person who spills this issue. He/she did not confront first the person involved before announcing it to the public. I guess he/she doesn’t value the word confidentiality.

We don’t know his/her problem. Does he/she envy my friend? I guess so. Anyway, he/she might have the right for his/her opinion or whatever but this doesn’t exempt him/her from not practicing confidentiality. If he/she wants to achieve something especially to become financially stable at his/her age then he/she should work so hard or he/she can play casino at best online slots real money.

I am not just sure if he/she is lucky to play this kind of game. If he/she doesn’t know how to play slots then he/she could try this bestonlinerouletteforrealmoney.com for easy money so that he/she could buy stuffs he/she wants. Anyway, this issue really pissed us.
I am just hoping that soon this will be forever and we would be able to prove to them that my friend is doing nothing. As for now I am also looking for other ways to earn money and maybe I could try my luck at top online casinos real money. I have got lots of spending to do for my upcoming wedding. Donors are welcome.lol!



19 July, 2010

I need to do a lifestyle modification especially with regard to health. I must have a healthy lifestyle. Anyway right now I'm experiencing abdominal pain. This has ruined the activities I have planned. I should have a diet high in fiber. Sheesh! My stomach is acting weird since yesterday. I got to eat the food I hate eating and its vegetables. lol! I know I am not the only one who doesn’t like eating veggies.


16 July, 2010

The new administration is dealing with problems regarding PAGCOR. There have been a lot of issues that arise today from the previous PAGCOR president, mostly its financial matter. The same issue again and its corruption. There have been conflicts of interest during his term as to the right use of fund. With these, the administration wants to do some modification at PAGCOR. The president is thinking and is open to turn over the PAGCOR to the private sector because of the revenue deficiencies for the past years. He said this might end the corruption. Anyway, it seems that the other countries are not having problems like this to us. I guess PAGCOR players would switch to online casino usa. while there still an on going investigation just to prevent hassles on their part. I would just wish them luck. I hope they’ll win at online casino usa.



09 July, 2010

And...here we go!

1. Layers of skin. I missed Operating Room.hehe

2. Life's insight.

3. I'd be willing to bet on the lottery because I want money.

4. I walked near the garage and scares the dog.

5. I'm fond of pink stuffs.

6. You know it's too much!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to good night sleep, tomorrow my plans include finishing all the claims and Sunday, I want to go to church!



We are facing a lot of issues at the hospital especially on our department, the administrative. Issue such as not showing respect to our superior, accumulation of paper works as well as finances matter. I will tackle each issue to just somehow give my point even just here. We all know that respect is gain. It can be gain if you also know how to show respect to every people you met regardless of their status. Respect begets respect. All of us concerned know the meaning and value of respect. Accumulation of paper works is because we multitask. We are not only dealing with one job. We do everything but make sure to balance the things we do. They just don’t know it because our superior doesn’t take time to ask us about our work.

Lastly the finances concern, they doubt the honesty of our co worker who handle our finances. Let’s call her Ruby. Anyway, things started when one of our superior, let’s call her Chona is telling something to the bosses about the lifestyle of Ruby. She said that Ruby’s salary is not enough for her to buy stuffs every pay day. We know that Ruby’s salary is really not enough but she has other resources. She doesn’t only depend on her salary alone. She’s into casino gambling, just kidding. Lol! Anyway, if she’s into it there’s nothing wrong as long as Ruby knows how to handle her finances. Online gambling is fun provided you know how to control yourself and you only play to the trusted online gambling portal. Okay, back to the issue. Ruby’s cousin and close friend is the one who send her money whenever she needs it; that enable her to buy stuffs she want. Chona is unaware of it and she doesn’t have to. Good luck to what will happen to us next.



04 July, 2010

I really don't know now whether to continue my nursing profession or just forget about it and find other career. It's been three years that I don't have any hospital experience as a registered nurse. I have worked in other field, its outside nursing just to earn for a living. There is a little opportunity for nurses here because of the growing numbers of registered nurses every year. The only thing to have an experience is to be a volunteer nurse. I did not do it before because I’m dire need of money to support myself as well as my sister who is currently studying that time. Right now it's still the same. I can't afford to be a volunteer nurse because I still have to support my sister and myself. Also I need to save for my upcoming wedding. I'm confused to continue or not. I have asked whether I am really meant to be a nurse.

