Yipee! I'm here in front of the computer at this time doing my post. I am supposed to be at work yet our Assistant Hospital Administrator text me last night that I should resume from work on Saturday. I received the message late last night while I was at the mall. I was so happy that I'll have more time to relax and do some other things. We went home 12 midnight. We took the opportunity to shop because the Festival Mall in Alabang had a midnight sale. I bought a beautiful bag from secosana for my mom. It's me and my boyfriend's Christmas gift for mama. We already bought our gift for papa, our godchildren and for ourselves last Sunday. By the way, I want to greet all of you a Merry Merry Christmas! Enjoy everyone! Have a Merry Merry Christmas!

hi abie! i'm so happy for you that you get to really rest and enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.
i wish you and your loved ones a truly happy and blessed christmas!
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