I learned that I am already pregnant last January 11, 2011. My officemates are teasing me that I might be pregnant because of some noticeable changes in me. I get tired and hungry easily which is not normal of me. My husband also notices my voracious appetite hence mock me of being pregnant. Because of that I decided to buy a pregnancy test kit without everyone’s knowledge. I don’t want to disappoint them specially my husband.
My first test was in the evening upon arriving home. It is negative. There is only one line and I got disappointed. He already wanted to be a father and I wanted to fulfill it. Then after three days I took a test again. I did it first thing in the morning. Voila! There are two lines. I did not told him immediately because there is still some hesitation because the second line is blurred. But I feel something. I felt that it is really positive.
I went to work without telling him about it. I want to reveal it right after but I decided I should tell him the news when I am a 100% sure. I talked to a trusted friend about it and handed her my pregnancy test kit. She was ecstatic about it and confirmed that is really positive though the second line is somewhat not that bright red in color. She said it was like her pregnant test a year ago.
I too was overjoyed of that blessing. They are forbidding me to text him because they wanted me to see his reaction that he is going to be a father soon. But I was stubborn. I can’t wait to tell to my husband the super good so I sent him a message thru text. He thought I am just joking but afterwards he believes me. He immediately bought me ANMUM. Lol!