A sweet, heart tag from Enchie of Sweet Nothings . Thank you so much for this sweet tag. I love this one! Since we started to be friends here in blogosphere, you never forget to give me tags and awards. I appreciate it so much from the bottom of heart.
The rule of this tag is to answer the questions below.
A# Attached or Single? Is attached here means married?If it is then I'm single yet in a relationship.
B# Best Friend? Laine (bestfriend since 4th HS in Muntinlupa), Bhie(bestfriend since elementary back home), Inday (bestfriend since 4th HS in Muntinlupa), Hon (bestfriend and boyfriend since August 18, 2004)
C# Cake or Pie? Cake! I love it!
D# Day of Choice? Friday.
E# Essential Item? Cellphone and DS
F# Favorite Color? Pink and Beige
G# Gummie Bears or Worms? Gummie Bears.
H# Hometown? Dimasalang, Masbate
I# Favorite Indulgence? Tsokolate.
J# January or July? January
K# Kids? None
L# Life isn't complete without....? Family
M# Marriage date? None yet! I don't know when will it be.hehe
N# Number of magazine subscriptions? None
O# Oranges or Apples? Apples
P# Phobias? Heights, Rats
Q# Quotes? Don't worry, Be happy!
R# Reasons to smile? Family, Friends and Special Someone.
S# Season of choice? Summer
T# Tag five people. I'm tagging, Duni, Sabine, Marie, Joy, Mys.
U# Unknown fact about me? I don't eat the egg yolk.
V# Vegetable? I don't like veggies. I'm just force to eat it.
W# Worst habit? Laziness
X# X-Ray or Ultrasound? X-Ray
Y# Your favorite foods? Pasta and Pizza
Z# Zodiac sign? Gemini
My first commenter: Sabine
31 March, 2009
Sweat Heart Tag
25 March, 2009
It's Me
A 2009 Friendly Blogger Award! Awarded to me by Enchie. My new found friend here in blogosphere.
Thanks Enchie for this one.I am so glad to receive this kind of award.
Here are the rules for this award :
1. Take a Photo or install one now .
2. Do not change clothes,do not trim the hair,the main image is to be captured (we want to see the real you...he..he..) .
3. Post a picture that is in edit .
4. Post this instructions (required).
5. Tag people to show appreciation to them that touch your heart because of their friendly attitude (required).
Credits: Crafty Embellishment from Scrapbookflair. Thanks!
My First Commenter: Enchie
24 March, 2009
Splash Island
It's Summer and the weather is raving hot! Splash Island is one of the popular place here in South where you can spend and enjoy the summer.
According to the woman who owned a food establishment there,Splash Island will open whole year round.They have added Resort and Spa from its name. It's now Splash Island Resort and Spa. She said they will have a big nights similar to Boracay nights.Wow! Party goers will definitely love it!
We really had a great time there last summer. We made sure to experience all the water slides. We stayed long in wave pool.Fun and thrilling experience especially for hon because its his first time.LOL!
By the way, they're open on Holy Week.
Soft drinks
Common among customer. A conversation I had with the student who bought a drinks.
Student: How much is the C2?
Me: 16 pesos
Student: How about the 7 UP?
Me: That's eleven pesos.
Student: Okay, I'll go for Sparkle. One please.
Me: Just smiled and then get the soft drinks. Nyahahaha!
20 March, 2009
PF# 2 My Pink Towel
A Penmanship Tag For Me
I'm so thankful to Enchie for Tagging me.I'm bit shy in showing my penmanship.hehehe
Here it is:
Instructions for this:
1. Write down who tagged you.
2. Answer these:
- your name / username / pseudo
- right-handed or left-handed?
- your favorite letters to write?
- your least favorite letters to write?
Write “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
3. Tag five persons.
I'm gonna do it again! This time type written. The above handwritten is blur.
tagged by: enchie
name: abie
right handed
Favorite letters: a, b, i, e
Least Favorite: w, m, n
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
I'm tagging
- duni
- sabine
- marie
- juliet
- riel
17 March, 2009
100th Celebration with a chance to win $25
To celebrate Tattooed Gourmet 100th post.He is giving away $25!Whoa this so cool! The winner will be paid via paypal.What are you waiting for? Join now! The contest is until March 31, 2009.
Mechanics to join is simple.
- You have to leave comments to his 100th post to earn 1 entry.
- Twitter the contest with link.Then leave comment for this.
- You can blog the contest if you want.After doing so, just leave a comment with the link.
For more info. Just visit Tattooed Gourmet site here.
13 March, 2009
PF#1My Pink Footspa Stuff
Entry for Pink Friday. First time to join meme.

Lover of pink color? Why not join? Click here..
You'll surely enjoy! See you there..
10 March, 2009
Rated K featured story last Sunday was about shopaholic. Both of them learned their lesson the hard way. One was left with huge amount of debt. Imagine she has 4 credit cards. Spending beyond her means. Shopping has been out of her control. Credit cards, if the bearer do not know how to use wisely is indeed a temptation that would put anyone into trouble. Now she's living a simple life, and promised to talk to the company she owe a debt once everything has been settled.
The other one her husband is working as waiter outside the country, sorry forgot where it is. She would spend 20,000 a month for her shopping. Its became an outlet for her loneliness. That huge sum is not just for her, it includes buying something for her children and parents. Extravagant lifestyle while her husband is working far them created a fight that prompted their separation. She said spending too much is not just the sole reason why they parted ways. Currently she is staying with her parents and continuing her studies that was neglected due to early marriage. Too bad that their marriage wasn't given a second chance. But who knows they might iron out what had happened.
Experience always teach us a lesson. Its up to us if we will apply what we have learned from that experience.
My first commenter: Duni
07 March, 2009
First Commenter Club
Blog hopping this evening I saw this Badge.

Linky Love to my first commenter, mommy gen.
I'm not so busy.People come here with interval.In short my Saturday wasn't toxic even though I'm alone.The business is doing good but on Monday new computer shop will open thus we now have a competitor after how many months of operating alone.In some way it could affect our earnings but business is indeed like this.Competition is everywhere but it should be healthy. Anyway, my time was occupied doing my work here and tweaking my blog layout.Oh, I was satisfied with what I did. I do want to make a whole new layout because I can't afford to have it done by expert.Unfortunately I'm not yet good at html.HTML is not my forte yet, soon I know I can.I need to learn and practice more.
I discovered this while blog hopping. I was amazed hence I joined. I thought it would take a month or more than that to be approve but I was wrong.It just took me a few days. Their site is user friendly.The good thing about joining this is you'll gonna benefit, not just on money thing but information as well.Bloggers will be paid to review products of the advertiser and in return they will gain revenue from the advertiser. This blog advertising is a trusted one.Fellow blogger pay a visit at payingpost to discover great opportunity that awaits you. Beloved advertiser if you want to attract more visitor and potential customer you must take a visit at payingpost.
My first commenter: Riel
I'm back refreshing my knowledge with Dosage and Calculations. Soon I'll be working. I need to refresh previous lessons in Nursing that could help me when I'm in the floor with no clinical instructor. My license is the one at stake here.hehe.Its a different thing when you're on your own at duty, group mates and clinical instructor no more.
Thank you so much! First Commenter: Cacai
02 March, 2009
My February Top 10 Entrecard Droppers
Dropper | # of drops |
Ask Ms Recipe | 29 |
My Life's Adventure | 27 |
The Fashion Lovers | 27 |
The Work From Home Mother | 26 |
Wonderful Things in LIfe | 25 |
A New Kind of Insanity | 23 |
Hip to be Mom | 22 |
Thrifty Creativity | 22 |
Blog Contest Station | 21 |
Sweet Nothings | 21 |
See you everyday! God bless you all!