I've decided to change my blog look so here it is... I'm not yet done. My blog roll not yet up. I'll do it tomorrow.
Kindly give me a comments with regard to this new template..I'll appreciate if you do..
Thanks much! By the way thanks Enchie...
My First Commenter: Enchie
29 April, 2009
Template Change
28 April, 2009
Juday Ryan Wedding
Phew! It's their wedding day today. I was surprise when I heard it on the news. A private wedding just for the people closest to their life.They don't want media coverage. It will just hand a videos and photographs taken by their official photographer. But it will not be as secret as they want because their both celebrity.They tied the knot at San Juan Nepomuceno Church in San Juan Batangas.
The guests received a box with a simple note that goes something like this...
Inuman na" - one line missing.
I forgot what it is, it completely slipped my mind.hehe
and slipper to be worn at the beach during the reception.
Congratulation and Best Wishes!
Free DS Lite Games
We are always looking for something that is free. Why pay when you can have it for free right? Anyway, is there such thing as free DS Lite games? I know for sure there is if you are willing to dig on the internet. A tedious task but you can reap benefits, a free games that you want. The downside is you'll download big size files and often times it has a virus that can harm you pc or laptop. Besides downloading is illegal, so to be safe and to help the people behind the game better buy the original. Quite expensive yet it's worth the money.
27 April, 2009
The International Bloggers Community Award
Yehey!Another award for me.Its always an honor to receive award here in blogosphere.Thank you so much Tetcha for sharing this award to me.
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
Questions & Your Answers:
1. The person who tagged you: Tetcha
2. His/her site's title and url: http://www.pensivethoughts.com/
3. Date when you were tagged: April 26, 2009
4. Persons you tagged: Enchie, Earth, Shy, Duni, Sabine, Riel and Joy
My First Commenter: Duni
26 April, 2009
My Pink Shoelace Summer Contest
A contest you'll surely love.Lovely contest with pink theme because the host is very much fascinated with pink color just like me. You can tell it in her blog title and theme, here. I found this site when I joined Pink Friday. A very first contest of My Pink Shoelace entitled Summer Pink Contest. So, everyone I'm inviting you to visit her site and join the contest. The prizes are awesome and you'll get a chance to know other fellow bloggers especially her circle of friends.
**Start Copy Here**

1. Create a blog entry about the contest, once done come back to this post and leave a comment with the permalink of your blog entry.
2. Leave comments on any existing entries on My Pink Shoelace. The top 5 bloggers with the most number of legitimate comments (No Spamming Pls!!) starting April 25, 2009 to May 31, 2009 will win cute and pink prizes.
3. Subscribe to My Pink Shoelace via email.
4. Visit My Pink Shoelace’s Circle of Friends and leave your footprints on their shoutbox. A comment or two on their blog posts is very much appreciated.
5. A list of valid participants will be listed below to keep you guys posted.
MPS Cirle of Friends : Do visit them.
Bena of Bena-yot |Fabulously Cheap and Chic
Chocorico of Live Love Laugh and Fly
1st Prize: My Pink Shoelace Teddy Bear
4,000 entrepoints courtesy of Doi Speaks
4,000 entrepoints courtesy of Soloflight Ed
One 125×125 ad for one month on Doi Speaks
Web Art by Chocorico of Live Love Laugh and Fly
2nd Prize: A wrist watch courtesy of Michy of Days Under The Sun
3,000 entrepoints from Bena: Fabulously Cheap and Chic!
3rd Prize: A pink Hello Kity USB Flash Drive 1GB
2,000 entrepoints from My Pink Shoelace
4th Prize: A My Pink Shoelace cellphone dangle and 1 Keychain from Singapore (Taking it from the souvenir box of my travel.)
1,000 entrepoints from Chocorico of Live Love Laugh and Fly
500 entrepoints courtesy of My Sonatas
5th Prize: 1 Keychain from Singapore, 1 keychain from Macau, from My Pink Shoelace (Taking it from the souvenir box of my travel.) and 1 keychain from Cambodia (courtesy of Doi Speaks, taking it from her souvenir box of her travel.)
500 entrepoints courtesy of My Restless Feet
24 April, 2009
PF# 3 My DS Lite Pouch

My DS Lite Pouch that protect my DS. I'm just sad that I can't use my DS because the memory card I bought got corrupted after a few months. It's not booting.Huhuhu. Good thing I was able to back up my files. I didn't buy yet a replacement. Next time I'll buy the Kingston brand.
14 April, 2009
Aubrey Miles
The secret was revealed. The rumor before is indeed true now that Aubrey Miles finally admitted that she already has a son.Eight year old son and the father is JP Obligacion. She was interviewed by Boy Abunda at Showbiz News Ngayon (SNN). She just followed the right thing that could help her career blossoms.To protect her image as sexy star then. She wanted to provide for her family and as well as to support her child because that time they don't have anything, they're still struggling to improve their life financially. So she decided not to admit it. She was sorry for hiding the truth to the public. Though close friends know about it.Aubrey made her child growing up years normal. Like, her son calls her mama and she calls him anak. Go to the mall together and attend to his school activities.The good thing also is she didn't denied it to Troy.
Prior to SNN interview host Ms. Kris Aquino already know about Aubrey Miles child. Kris asked him way back Aubrey's MTB days , where she was one of the host and Aubrey had been honest to her. Ms. Kris Aquino just keep mum about it. She understood Aubrey situation.
The second part of the interview will be shown tonight at SNN. Watch out for it. The revelations are more intense.
My First Commenter: Enchie

12 April, 2009
Someday I will be able to visit this lovely place called London. As far as I can remember this is the first foreign place I've known because most of the relatives of my cousin lives there.Majority of their family already migrated in London.So at a young age I was fascinated by this place and dream to be there one day.
Last year in my friendster account I put London
06 April, 2009
A short post: I didn't finished dropping EC last night so I decided to drop in the morning but I can't do so. There has been a problem.Am I the only one experiencing this at the moment? Fellow bloggers and entrecard droppers sorry I will not be able to return the favor.. Thank you so much for the visit here..Till next time!
02 April, 2009
They Drop and Top
Presenting my Top 10 March Entrecard Droppers. Thank you so much for always visiting my site. The love you gave to my simple abode is very much appreciated.
Spice of Life and Everything - 27

Happy Moments....Happy Thoughts - 25

The Novice Master - 24

Ask Ms. Recipe - 23
Wonderful Things in Life - 23

Chronic Chick Talk - 22

Sweet Nothings - 20

The Fashion Lovers - 20

My Online Paradise - 20

Kinda Life of Mine - 18