20 September, 2011
Deliver A Healthy Baby Boy

05 September, 2011
Fight between Coco Martin and Matteo Guidicelli
The hot topic was the fist fight that happened between Coco Martin and Matteo Guidicelli during the Star Magic Ball at

01 September, 2011
September 2011
Phew! Time really fly so fast because now is already September. The start of "Ber" months and this means hearing a little Christmas song as well as seeing different Christmas lanterns. The first Christmas song I heard today on television is Jingle Bells. It was shown on the news that in some area they are already busy creating different kinds of Christmas lantern to be sold. I already receive a Christmas gift from our Lord and it is our baby Nathan. I am due next week. I’m so excited! Wow! Christmas is in the air.