30 August, 2011

I am going to Lucena City together with our hospital administrator and my Philhealth partner. We are going to attend the dialogue with regard to the new case rate of Philhealth. They are going to implement a fixed deduction rate of Philhealth benefits. I agree to this. There would be no underpayment on our part since the rate is already a package. I don't know yet the other scope of this. I will post about this after our dialogue.



23 August, 2011

We always see and hear on the news about the dengue outbreak in some areas here in our country. They said the case rate this year is lower compared to last year. Nevertheless it is still alarming. We got lots of patients and the hospital beds aren’t enough for our dengue patients in the affected areas. Dengue outbreak has been aggravated because of our whether. It’s the continuous rain for the past few months that creates breeding grounds for mosquito. The female mosquito Aedes that carries dengue virus is responsible for this. With this we should really take care of ourselves and clean our surroundings to prevent from getting sick. Remember health is wealth.



14 August, 2011

Two more weeks to go and I'll be on maternity leave. Two months without the office work and two months of taking care of our coming baby. I’m so excited to see him yet nervous. I am going to deliver at the hospital where I work. I have no choice. I am working at the hospital so I need to deliver there. In addition to that, financially it is of great help because of the discount. Anyway, I trust that God will take care of us especially during the day he will come to see the world. I am praying for a normal spontaneous delivery. It’s less expensive with fastest recovery. In the span of two months there would be no salary yet the Social Security System will pay me which is nice lol!



09 August, 2011

Sometimes we just have to listen and obey them because they are the authority. They are in the position to implement whatever they want even though it is not inline with the labor code. I think one way or another an employer should show true concern to their employee. They should take time to appreciate their works. They should somehow hear their concern and take an immediate action into it.They should meet halfway to create a harmonious relationship. When things aren’t going your way and you can’t it take anymore then it’s time to leave than be miserable. There are other things to do than suffer. Everyday is a new life to a wise person.



05 August, 2011

Every now and then my tooth aches. And it hurts today. But I have still managed to do the things I must do though it’s quite upsetting. Good thing it is mild unlike what I have experienced before. Though the pain is mild still it is disturbing. I can't take medicine because I'm pregnant but I know there is a medicine that is safe for pregnant still I will not take it. I am trying my best to ignore the pain and most of the time it works. I chew the food on the unaffected side so as not to aggravate the pain. I hope tomorrow when I wake up it will be gone.



01 August, 2011

I prayed for the rain to stop because at dawn we are going to accompany my sister to the airport. She’s leaving for Taiwan. God did answer my prayer. It did not rain on our way to the airport. We arrived there safe and sound. We’re very early. It is not obvious that we are excited. Lol! Anyway, I admired her for having the courage to work abroad. She did not mind though it would be her first time. We have seen that she’s very determined to go for it. So we just supported her. We are praying for her success at the foreign country. We pray for her safety as well as for her good health. May God always guide and protect her there.

