31 October, 2010

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger named Lucy at the blog The Smallest Smallholding. She states that she was tagged by her friend Amy at the blog Turn to the Music. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

I have three reason. It's the little thing that happen to me everyday which I felt I need to share it with you. Second, the people I met here and lastly, the small thing I benefit from blogging.lol!

2. What’s the best thing about blogging, for you?
The people and the information I gained.

3. What is your favourite book of all time?
Nothing in particular.

4. It’s 9pm and for some reason you’ve been hungry all day, despite the three square meals. What do you rustle up?
Rustle up for chocolate.lol!

5. Who are three of your style icons?
Nothing in particular.

6. What’s your current favourite song/piece of music?
At the Beginning.

7. What is the last book you read?
Five People You Met In Heaven

8. What is your current favourite recipe?
Graham Cake

9. Who or what first inspired you to set up your own blog?
The idea of having an online website whereas people can read my thoughts.

10. What object could you not live without?
Cellphone I guess.

11. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Abroad working as a nurse.

12. Who or what made you into the person you are today?
My parents and some close relatives.

13. What have your learned from blogging?
The importance of communication skill.

14. Knowing what you know now, what knowledge would you pass on to your past self?
Overcome shyness and be confident.

15. Sunday roasts - lunchtime or evening meal?

16. What has been your best blogging-related experience so far?
My little earning from writing.

Come join us here at Sunday Stealing.



24 October, 2010

I haven't been participating in any meme I'm in. Perhaps you know the reason. I have not been an active blogger when I started working plus the fact that sometimes laziness strike me. Anyway, my short term goal for tomorrow is to join Music Monday after office hours or should I say when I arrive here at the computer shop. Well, good luck to me.lol!


I have lot's of things to do at the office, at the computer shop, at home and some little yet important detail of our wedding. I will just pray that Almighty God will give more strength to finish the things I should do. By the way, I am very much thankful to him for everything especially my health. There is problem yet I know he will heal me. I know he's with me all the time. And so I should not worry.


17 October, 2010

I have told you here that I lost my 3 year old phone which is nokia 6300 on the 13th of August, a Friday the 13th trick. It was a graduation gift from the boyfriend. Well, last September 18, 2010 I bought a brand new phone which is Samsung B3410W. I was able to buy one because our Medical Director gave me money as a replacement for my phone. lol! I was so happy that I will no longer save money to buy a new phone
Anyway, it is a pink and white samsung B3410W. We used to be a Nokia phone fan but when Samsung seems to be hot nowadays when it comes to cellphone we decided to change brand. Just for a change.lol! My boyfriend is using Samsung Corby WiFi. I was the one who influence him to use Samsung instead of Nokia.



15 October, 2010

I have not been an active blogger. I do post but not like before. I really hate when laziness hit me, facebook is one of the culprit why haven't been making a post. I really want to get back to writing.



05 October, 2010

When we talk about wedding the first concern that arises is the cost and design of wedding ring the couple would be using. The couple will wear the ring for the rest of their earthly life so it should be something that will really last forever. It would actually be a crucial task to look for a jewelry store that offers affordable yet elegant wedding bands. Good thing there is 25karats.com that specialized in different kinds of rings that will really suites to everyone’s jewelry needs. Name it and they have it. A visit to their site is in fact worthy.

By the way few months from now it will be our most awaited day, our wedding. I’m excited and at the same time nervous as the day go by. The first thing that I did with regard to preparation was look for a design for my gown as well as for the entourage. While my fiancée was busy searching for our wedding ring and he was able to find one with a beautiful design. It’s a two tone ring. What is so nice about it was the 10 percent discount he got. Lol. Like week of September I visited the jewelry store for engraving and resizing. I will get a hold of it by next week. Prior to wedding ring stuff of course he bought me a diamond engagement ring. I love it so much. Anyway when we celebrate our 1st anniversary I will be the one who will buy our anniversary rings.
