I love reading during my spare time. It helps me learn something new. It improves my reading skills. There is no particular genre that I’m into. I just read whatever caught my interest. This has awakened my interest to become a writer. I had wished to become a great writer. I want writing to be natural to me. I know it will if I will practice more.
I used to write poem back in high school but I don’t have a formal training. Poem writing is an influenced from my close friend whom is a writer of our school paper. I love reading their write up there especially poem and a story about love. It’s sad that I was not able to join them and it was all because of shyness. By the way, back in high school I loved writing essay. Essay writing allows me to share my point on a given topic. It let me express what is inside my heart and mind.
This type of writing is very common in high school and a little in college. Essay writing is well liked by most because it is writing from the author’s point of view. There are different forms and styles of essay like descriptive, narrative, exemplification, compare and contrast, cause and effect, classification and division, Definition, Dialectic, History, Other logical structures, magazine or newspaper and employment. Essay also includes non literary type such as visual arts, music, film and photography.
Though I love writing there has been a point in my high school and college life that I had a hard time composing a sentence for one of my essay assignment and seatwork. Good thing I was able to survive by focusing on the topic and by researching for some insights on books and internet. When I was in college I also encountered this kind of dilemma but I did not worry because there is the internet that has a vast collection of essay in its different forms and styles. Like persuasive essay and a family essay. By looking for some in the internet I can get an idea by reading the available example or I can buy essay to immediately solve my problem. You can buy essays if you want because there are websites who offer this for a very affordable price. Internet is really a great help for all of us. The innovation in our technology makes life easy. Lol!