06 October, 2011

Goodbye Steve Jobs

The man behind your apple passed away yesterday after battling from pancreatic cancer. I am not into gadget nor do I have an apple item yet this man is already part of our history so he deserves to be remembered in our simple way. Social networking sites are full of news about his life and death. Everyone is talking about him especially the apple fanatic. Anyway, I know Steve Jobs is happy now that he is pain free and that he is already with our creator.




Algene said...

Surely, he is :) Steve Jobs was the best, having created all these great gadgets!

Albert Einstein☺ said...

Following yeah. Hope you visit mine too if you have time...

dropping some ♥


Orange Pulps ♥ said...

hi there...i dropped :)


hope you could follow me back :D

nurseabie said...

@ Algene, Indeed he is. Thanks for the visit.

@ Albert, Thanks.I'll visit you.

@ Orange Pulps, Thanks. I'll do it.

Lette's Haven said...

I adore Steve Job's vision in life... He's a great inspiration to all of us!

Lette's Haven