08 January, 2010

Marketing Strategies

These past few days I always go home late. For two consecutive days I was included in the emergency meeting. I don’t know why. lol! I know they just want me to be aware of their plan. Anyhow, the agenda was about marketing and billing. This includes issues that we encounter everyday and so they proposed solutions to it. There some side topic yet it focused on marketing and billing. Marketing strategies is really crucial to a beginner institution. Part of the marketing plan is to allow credit cards use in the hospital for settling patient’s hospital bill.

We have observed that most patients want to settle their bill using their credit card because of the points they’ll get. So the management wants to pursue this plan. They already asked for guidelines on using the credit cards. Our assistant hospital administrator already inquired on what are the best credit card that we will be accepting. They need this to compare credit cards varying features. I’m hoping that this plan will materialize and that our hospital would be the talk of the town known for its quality service that comes with a low charge.

